No, that’s not a typo. It’s how Cody said “things” when he was five. Or more accurately, it’s how he sang “things” when he was five.

I needed to do something a little mindless one afternoon this week so decided to download some of my pictures and videos from my Google backup (I keep getting “FULL!” messages from them so it’s time).

The oldest item in my Google Photos account was a video from April 2016. Cody learned a song at preschool which we had been singing as grace at meals. Thankfully, one morning at breakfast I decided to record it.

He didn’t quite remember all the lyrics, but the video was adorable! Five-year-old Cody singing? Oh, my goodness! I’d forgotten how little five looks…and sounds. Just what I needed.

"Thank You, God, for giving me the fings I need
The sun and the rain and the apple seed
Amen. Amen. Amen, amen, amen.  Amen!"

The thing is I realized that it was, in fact, just what I needed that day. As I played it a second time, the words sank in and I heard God talking to me from a six-year-old video and a five-year-old boy.

See, I have been struggling with discontentment lately. I could go into a long list of the things running through my head, the “fings” I think I need, except that you’re probably familiar with discontentment as well and can come up with your own list.

Earlier this week, I watched the session 1 video for the Bible study I’m working on. It was titled, “A Table Before Us,” and the very first note I took reads,

“When we allow the enemy access to our thoughts, we are having a conversation with a killer.”

Whoa. That’s pretty blunt. And so very accurate. That’s how I end up discontented, by listening to a killer. A killer who devours joy and peace and gratitude.

Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.

1 Peter 5:8

I can listen to the lies about what I don’t have or how hard my circumstances are – or I can believe the last note that I took watching that video:

“Jesus is everything that we need.”

Which is exactly what Cody, six years ago, sang and which God knew I’d need to hear again this week.

For the rest of that day, Johnny Appleseed was stuck in my head. It may be a simple children’s song, but it’s also a way to fight a killer from entering my thoughts.

Sing with me now!

Oh, the Lord is good to me,

And so I thank the Lord,

For giving me the things I need;

The sun and the rain and the apple seed.

The Lord is good to me!

Johnny Appleseed