First of all, let me just say that I don’t normally have purple hair. 

Secondly, I don’t like blogs (seriously).  But I think I’m supposed to write a blog (seriously??).

Finally, if you join me on this journey, you’ll learn the beautifully bizarre story of how I ended up having purple hair (ok, it was just temporary but you still want to know, don’t ya?)

My name is Carrie and I am probably a lot like you (other than the purple hair).  Searching for strength.  Feeling crushed.  Not sure what to believe.  Angry maybe.  So sad.  If any of those sound true, then, yes, I am a lot like you. I began writing over six years ago without knowing why I was writing…then the storm hit. These posts are six years of all of those emotions and feelings I just listed. They are six years of talking to (and sometimes yelling at) God and of waiting on Him.

But I also have six years of seeing my journey become a little less heavy and discovering how to come back to life after being battered by the storm. So I am sharing my journey because there has been beauty even though the storm hasn’t ended. And I am sharing to let you know there is hope that your journey can change too, that there can be new breath and unforeseen beauty in your storm as well. 

But God doesn’t want you just breathing.  He wants you ALIVE!  So alive that death is afraid of you.