No, that’s not a typo. It’s how Cody said “things” when he was five. Or more accurately, it’s how he sang “things” when he was five.

I needed to do something a little mindless one afternoon this week so decided to download some of my pictures and videos from my Google backup (I keep getting “FULL!” messages from them so it’s time).

The oldest item in my Google Photos account was a video from April 2016. Cody learned a song at preschool which we had been singing as grace at meals. Thankfully, one morning at breakfast I decided to record it.

He didn’t quite remember all the lyrics, but the video was adorable! Five-year-old Cody singing? Oh, my goodness! I’d forgotten how little five looks…and sounds. Just what I needed.

"Thank You, God, for giving me the fings I need
The sun and the rain and the apple seed
Amen. Amen. Amen, amen, amen.  Amen!"

The thing is I realized that it was, in fact, just what I needed that day. As I played it a second time, the words sank in and I heard God talking to me from a six-year-old video and a five-year-old boy.