I went on vacation this week. Well, a staycation. Ok, I spent a few hours relaxing on my deck. But I nursed three mugs of tea and just sat. It was amazing!

I have tried for ten minutes to figure out what to write. I type, then I delete. Because, I finally realized, that morning was so relaxing that I just really can’t write about it. Writing about it feels like it makes it work and that morning was not about work at all.

So, I’m going to share a few of the pictures that I took over the course of 2 1/2 hours of sitting on my deck – a very quiet, still time that calmed my body and started to restore my soul.

I enjoyed just being present to what came into my backyard. To the little gifts God sent my way that morning. I hope you find a few moments of peace as well. And maybe a chuckle about the squirrel that Cody thinks was smiling for the camera.

The secret of the healing power of beauty is learning to receive it as a gift.

John Eldredge, “Get Your Life Back
“Look! He’s smiling!” said Cody when I showed it to him.
I finally captured an upside down nuthatch!
My staycation selfie
My amazing accommodations