My pastor’s sermon Sunday was about restoration. He asked, “Would you like to be restored? Put back together the way you were meant to be?”

He also asked,”What if the Scriptures were actually true and that God actually is in the restoration business?”

Do we live like we believe that is true?

I just read a blog post today titled, “Restoration Areas.” Rev Darth (as he calls himself on Instagram – isn’t that a great name?), found restoration among family, friends, and creation in Colorado this week. He also found a book of photos of the Rockies and meditations in which the author wrote about restoration areas in parks in one devotion.

“What looked to be a hopeless situation was simply a garden waiting for the opportunity to thrive.”

Erik Thomas Stensland, Whispers in the Wilderness

In his blog, Rev Darth also wrote, “[Restoration] is creating space for that which has become tired and worn to grow once again.”

Boy, does that hit home this week as I have been forced to slow down despite our fundraising concert for epilepsy on Sunday! How can I rest when I have so much to do? So, I gave it to God and rested on my couch all day yesterday.

Details got planned, questions were asked and answered via email, and we sold 30 tickets in 3 days – all while I rested.

What if we actually lived like God can restore. If we gave Him the space to come into our tired and worn places to grow a thriving restoration area. We probably can’t even imagine how beautiful that could be.

Here is the link to the full blog post “Restoration Areas” if you would like to read it.