What are you waiting for?  I’m not saying that in a “get up and do something” way, but truly am wondering, is there something for which you are waiting?  A diagnosis or treatment, a job, a renewed relationship?

I’m waiting, for several things actually.

I recently noticed daily Instagram posts from someone I don’t follow, but I liked them. It turns out they are quotes from this man’s podcast called The Place We Find Ourselves.  There are 100 episodes in the series, and it struck me that in 100 days this season in which I find myself may be over, this waiting.  Life will look different – or at least we’ll have a better idea of how it’s going to look.

I felt God telling me to create a music playlist called 100 Days and then wait for Him to tell me what songs to add to it each day.  After seven days, I have 16 songs on it, many of which I had never even heard of a week ago.  One of them was actually sent to me by the singer after I commented on Instagram that I liked a quote of his because it was exactly what God was asking me to do:

“When you haven’t a song left to sing, sing still.”  ~The War Within

He said that became the basis for one of their new songs and sent me the link to How You Love Me.

Even if I haven’t a song left to sing
I’ll sing still
How You love me
Even if I lose every earthly thing
I’ll know still
That You’ve got me

I found that quote the day I started the 100 Days playlist.

Sing still.

Sing in the next 100 days of waiting and anxiety. In the unknown.

I’ve created this playlist on Spotify and YouTube and I hope you’ll sing along with me in your waiting too.