Back up the crazy train!  Actually, I backed up my shopping cart as the writing on the towel I had just passed registered in my brain.  And then I laughed.  Out loud.  In the middle of the grocery store.

“Some days I think my life is being directed by Quentin Tarantino.”

Because, boy, did that sentence resonate a few days ago.  Anyone else?  (In case you are not my generation, Quentin has directed some…unique movies.)  

Yesterday, a friend texted me about her child’s new plan at school to support a health diagnosis. She wrote that the “counselor seems really nice.  I just have to laugh at the 504 plan though.  Want to meet for tea one day next week and we can laugh together over life?”

Then she sent me a picture of the tag from her current cup of tea:

“Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we’re here we should dance.”

And that resonated too.

Five years ago, I would share the newest development in our lives with a friend who would then share it with her husband.  His response multiple times was, “You can’t make this stuff up.” 

And I feel like we’re living in that dimension again.  “Life may not be the party we hoped for…”  Indeed.  I don’t think even Quentin Tarantino could make some of this stuff up.

“…but while we’re here we should dance.”  When I saw a saying on a towel that made me laugh, I stopped to photograph it.  When a friend wanted to laugh over tea, I gladly accepted.  On the really hard days, I can’t do those things.  On the really hard days, I definitely can’t dance.  But most days?  Most days I can dance.  Like today.

Dance move a la John Travolta in Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction.