Finding breath and beauty amidst the storm

Tag: friends

Through (Together Remix)

In less than six months this year, three friends received very serious cancer diagnoses.

The first came in April when my friend’s husband was admitted to the hospital the same day as receiving the diagnosis. The family’s community immediately rallied. Over the next several months, our family helped with the kids, provided food, and gave hugs whenever needed.

I also gave my friend one of my “The only way out is through” temporary tattoos but she didn’t think her husband’s doctors would let him apply it. Another friend had given her a bracelet that absorbs essential oils so she added the tattoo to her own wrist next to the bracelet. She even shared a photo of the bracelet and tattoo on a Caring Bridge update as they were on the front end of going through her husband’s cancer treatment.

Her post reminded me of my post “Through” last spring which included a photo of that tattoo on my own arm, the arm going through shoulder surgery recovery and PT.  Two lone arms going through very difficult times in life.

Then two more friends received cancer diagnoses. Unfortunately, they live plane rides away from us so we can’t do much for them other than send texts, cards, and goofy little items to give them a laugh and help keep their spirits up.  It’s been frustrating not being there to help but we’ve walked with them through as much of the journey as we can from afar, even if it was only written encouragement to our friend during his wife’s long surgery last Thursday.

Last weekend a friend treated me to “Swan Lake” at a local historic theatre.  We found our seats and then asked a woman to take our photo with the beautiful theatre behind us.  My friend put her arm around my back but I struggled to put mine behind her.  I had to explain that I still can’t move my shoulder at that angle post-surgery.

“Ok,” she said.  “We’ll do this,” as she grabbed my arm & linked hers through it.

That simple act reminded me of a quote I saved from a devotional recently:

We were designed to lock arms & fight together…

“Living Changed: Spiritual Warfare” YouVersion Plan

Yes, that’s what I have experienced within our storms of epilepsy, open-heart surgeries, stroke, and even shoulder surgery – people locking arms with us to get us “through” the storm.

So, while it’s true that “the only way out is through,” it isn’t the whole story.

More accurately, the only way out is through – together.

Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own.

Ephesians 6:13 MSG

Saved you a seat

I took this photo as a joke two weeks ago today. Spur of the moment, we decided to spend a 4-day weekend on Minnesota’s North Shore again. First thing after unloading, I walked down to the fish shack’s porch on Lake Superior to enjoy the waves and sun (even though it was only 35 degrees).

I thought about sending the photo in a text saying “I saved you a seat” to two friends who would know exactly where I was – because they’d been there too. And yes, maybe to rub it in a little where I was. Not proud but there it is.

But if I texted them, they’d text me back. And then I would have to text THEM back…etc, etc…and I really just wanted to shut off the phone for the weekend.

So, I didn’t send the photo. But I thought about it again last week, after another friend texted me, “Can I come over?” and then “Wanna sit outside?” Now it was a gorgeous 80-degree afternoon so it made sense to sit outside…but I sensed it was more to share some bad news privately.


I love photography and I love sunsets. This spring I got the great idea to combine the two and document the sunsets from the same spot on the first days of spring, summer, fall, and winter to see how the sun moves throughout the year. You may be wondering “Why?,” but it sounded cool to me.

We live half a mile from a public beach on the east side of a large lake – a perfect place to set up a tripod and take a sunset picture from the exact same spot for all four seasons. It’s also a great spot to just sit and visit with friends.

Two of my friends decided to join me, not so much because what I was doing excited them but just because they are my friends. Sitting on the beach watching the first summer sunset and chatting with each other while I basically ignored them (sorry, ladies!) sounded good to them.

Sometimes it’s better to receive than to give

One quick internet search finds dozens of recent articles and research studies telling us to give.  They describe actual health benefits of giving our time and financial resources to others.  It’s also what many of us were taught from a young age:

It’s better to give than to receive. 

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